Javascript engine and runtime environment
JavaScript is an interpreted language. This means that the source code isn’t compiled into binary code prior to execution. Instead, it needs a special program, the interpreter, which reads over the JavaScript code, interprets each line in machine instructions, and executes them.
Javascript code runs within a “container” program. Web browsers and node.js are examples of such container programs. The interpreter is part of these “container” programs and is called the Javascript Engine. It is responsible for translating javascript code into runnable machine instructions so it can be executed by the CPU of the host machine. There are a couple of different Javascript engines. Chrome and node.js use V8 while Firefox uses SpiderMonkey.
The container program, part of which is the engine, acts as a Javascript runtime environment (the environment within which javascript is executed) and provides your scripts with utility libraries that can be used during execution and that allow you to interact with that environment. For example, things like the Array, Function, Object etc are part of the Core Javascript library but web browsers provide the window object, the DOM objects etc. while node.js provides require, buffers and processes. These objects are not part of the core javascript library. They are exposed by the runtime environment and javascript code can use them.
The “scope” is a special internal javascript object called LexicalEnvironment, to which variables and functions are added as properties. The top-level LexicalEnvironment in a web browser is the window object. It is also called the global object or the global scope. Functions have their own local scope, their own LexicalEnvironment object. Blocks on the other hand, do not have a scope. Any code inside a javascript block (if, for, while etc.) does not have scope, it is “stored” in its containing function’s scope or in the global scope.
Note: All functions have a hidden [[Scope]] property which references the scope in which they live (not their own local scope). This property is added during the initialization phase. You can access it with function_name.[[Scope]].
Initialization and running phase
Running a javascript file is a two step process. In the first phase, the initialization phase, the engine parses the code, checks the syntax, collects function and variable definitions and adds them to the global scope. The code is not executed in this phase but on the second one, the running phase, in which the code is parsed again from the beginning and is executed top to bottom.
In the initialization phase, the engine scans the code and adds to the global scope first the function declarations (not function expressions) and then the global variables (defined with var). At this point, variables get the value of “undefined”. The actual value assignment happens later during the running phase when the execution reaches them. So, you can call a function before you define it, since the global scope would contain the function as one of its properties. Have a look in the following example:
show(a) // prints undefined instead of an error
var a = 0
function show(arg){
show(a) // prints 0
During the initialization phase the global scope is populated with the function show and the variable a.
// after initialization phase
global-scope = Top-level LexicalEnvironment = window = show.[[Scope]] = {show: function, a: undefined}
During the running phase when the show(a) call is to be executed, both the show function and the a variable exist in the global scope despite the fact that they haven’t been defined yet. At this point the value of a is undefined.
Note: The fact that that the variable is added to the scope during initialization phase with value undefined, or in other words that the declaration of the variable is done in the initialization phase separately of the assignment to its value, is also called hoisting (the declaration of the variable is hoisted to the top).
Function declaration and function expression
There are two ways to define a javascript function. Either using a function declaration or a function expression. The big difference between the two is that with function declaration the function is stored in the scope during the initialization phase while with function expression it doesn’t (so you can’t call it before its definition in the code).
Function declaration
We have a function declaration whenever the definition of a function starts with the function keyword.
// function declaration
function meaning(){
During the initialization phase a variable which has the same name with the function will be automatically defined. This variable will reference the declared function object and is the variable that is stored in the scope. So, in this example the scope would be { meaning: function }.
Function expression
A function expression creates a new function at runtime. The big difference with the function declaration method is that during the initialization phase, the function defined with a function expression is not stored in the scope. It is created directly at runtime. In this method, a function is defined as a part of a larger expression syntax, typically a variable assignment.
Functions defined via function expressions can be either named or anonymous.
// named function expression
var yo = function meaning(){
// anonymous function expression
var yo = function() {
Another implementation of a function expression is the self invoking anonymous function expression.
// self invoking function expression
(function meaning() {
Since a function expression can’t start with the function keyword, we must surround it with parentheses. These surrounding parentheses are called the Grouping operator and force the function to be an expression. The trailing initiating braces at the end (); make the function self executable. At runtime phase, it will be defined and then immediately executed.
Note: There are alternative ways for defining self invoking function expressions. If you come across them rest assured that they are just self invoking function expressions.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // alternative syntax for a self invoking function expression (function meaning(){ console.log(42); }()); // alternative syntax for a self invoking function expression +function meaning(){ console.log(42); }();
Arguments are passed by value
In JavaScript, all function arguments are always passed by value. This means that changes to the value of an argument inside the function, are not reflected to the variable (that is the argument) outside of the function. The reason is that the arguments are added to the function’s scope as new local variables. Whatever happens to the arguments happens to these local variables. After the function finish its execution, its scope is destroyed. If function arguments were passed by reference and not by value, the changes would have been reflected outside the function.
// Arguments are passed by value
function increment(counter){
counter += 1
var counter = 0
console.log(counter) // prints 0
Note: Javascript object properties are references. This means that if you pass an object as argument to a function and modify the value of a property of the object (and not the object itself) inside the function, then this change will persist in the object outside of the function.
1 2 3 4 5 6 function increment(object){ object.counter += 1 } var object = {"counter": 0} increment(object) console.log(object) // prints {counter: 1}But, if you change the value of the object as a whole, then the outer object is not affected at all since as we said, arguments are passed by value, not by reference.
1 2 3 4 5 6 function increment(object){ object = {"counter": object.counter + 1} } var object = {"counter": 0} increment(object) console.log(object) // prints {counter: 0}